Marital Mediation- How can we stay married without going to therapy?
As a mediator, I come across clients who tell me they want to stay married but either marital therapy didn’t work for them or their spouse has no interest in attending therapy. I recently attended a training on the topic of Martial Mediation in order to provide clarity on how my mediation skills can assist clients stay married by addressing the conflicts in their marriage and identify their goals in order to resolve their differences. The two big conflicts I often come across include disagreements when it comes to raising the children or how to properly manage the finances in the family. Sometimes there is a medical or psychological issue with a spouse or a child that is creating the conflict. Mediators assist their clients with identifying the underlying conflict, communicating their interests (as opposed to positions), learning to listen to one another (even if they don’t agree with their spouse), and creating options toward a mutually acceptable plan of action to address their current conflict and inevitable future conflicts. Clients can walk away with a written agreement if they request memorializing the understandings they have created in mediation.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of marital mediation for you and your spouse, please reach out to me at and send me a message through our contact page.